搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

余卓平 中国汽车工程学会常务理事

[我来说两句] [字号:  ]
来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  余卓平,男,1960 年01 月生,江西南昌人。1982 年毕业于同济大学机械工程学院,获工程机械专业学士学位,1985 年获得同济大学工程机械专业工学硕士学位,1996 年获得清华大学汽车设计与制造专业工学博士学位。


  现任同济大学汽车学院院长、中国汽车工程学会常务理事、上海汽车工程学会副理事长、上海市汽车工业高级职称评定委员会专家库主任委员, 长期从事车辆工程专业的教学、科研工作,研究方向是汽车系统动力学与控制、汽车振动与噪声控制和先进汽车技术。


  Yu Zhuoping

  Yu Zhuoping, male, born in January 1960, in 1982, he graduated and got bachelor degree of mechanics engineering of school of mechanics in Tongji University. He got his master degree of construction machine engineering in 1985 and also in Tongji University. In 1996, he got his doctoral degree of automotive engineering in Tsing Hua University. He once worked in Braunschweig automotive research institute, research department of Volkswagen automotive company, and automotive institute of Technical University Darmstadt.

  Now he works as a professor in Tongji University, he is the assistant of the president of Tongji University and dean of school of automotive. He is the leader of “Chang Jiang Scholars and Innovation Team of Energy-saving and Environment-friendly”. He is a member of science and technology commission of ministry of education, member of overall deployment experts of the Energy Efficient & New Energy Vehicles organized by MOST, member of experts of admittance committee of new energy vehicle, vice president of executive council of SOE-China, administrative vice dean and secretary general of intelligent transportation group of SOE-China, vice president of executive council of China auto talents society, technical committee member of state key laboratory of automotive safety and energy, technical committee member of state key laboratory of automobile dynamic simulation, technical committee member of state key laboratory of advanced design and manufacturing for vehicle body, vice president of executive council of SOE-Shanghai, dean member of automotive industry senior academic title assessment committee, vice dean of Jiading district people’s congress.

  His professional field focuses on research and teaching of automotive engineering. In 2000, he got the third grade of Reward of Science and Technology Progress of Shanghai Municipality in Internal noise prediction, diagnosis and control of automotive. In 2001, he got reward because of excellence in fostering person. Fuel cell micro electric vehicle-Spring light developed by professor Yu and his team was rewarded the innovation title by the committee of Shanghai International Industry Fair. Project of construction of automotive model wind tunnel, measurement and analysis got the second grade of Reward of Science and Technology Progress of Shanghai Municipality. Fuel cell vehicle-START ONE got the innovation reward of Shanghai International Industry Fair in 2003. In 2004, he and his team were honor as the model team, and he got excellent education worker. In 2005, fuel cell passenger car got the top 10 technical progresses of high-education institute in china. A new generation of electric powertrain system platform got its title of excellent work demonstrated by high education school in 2007 Shanghai International Industry Fair. In 2007, electric & electric platform of fuel cell automotive powertrain system developed by him and his team got the first grade of Science and Technology Progress of Shanghai Municipality, and he also got the excellent person honor of Jiading district, Shanghai municipality, and innovation person in automotive engineering titled by GM. In 2008, he got the first grade of Science and Technology Progress of China. In 2009, he got the first co-production and research Innovation Award in China. He took participate in edition or translation of total 6 books, and published some 130 technical paper in periodicals or meeting seminars. Takes charge of key projects such as the national 863 program-fuel cell vehicle and multi-energy powertrain control system etc. Shanghai municipality key project such as fuel cell vehicle key technologies etc. Project of hybrid vehicle key technologies, and project of research on semi-active suspension etc.



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