2009中国汽车工程学会年会将于2009年10月20-22日在北京铁道大厦举办。年会主要活动包括:先进汽车节能减排技术研讨会、专题分会场交流会、年美籍汽车专家来华讲学活动、技术参观等。以下是参会嘉宾Rolf Clemens Siekaup 博士简介:
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大众汽车中国研究实验室负责人 Tobias Giebel 博士 将做题为《大众汽车的动力总成战略(Advanced Powertrain Strategy of
Volkswagen)》的主旨演讲。 |
Giebel博士曾在德国汉堡研究电子技术工程。在获得博士学位以后,他在德国慕尼黑的英飞凌科技股份公司(Infineon AG)工作。在这家硅技术和软件公司里,他负责产品开发项目。
Dr. Giebel has studied electro technical engineering in Hamburg, Germany. After his PhD he started his career at Infineon AG in Munic, Germany. In this Silicon and Software Company, he was responsible for product development projects.
In 2005 he moved to the Volkswagen Group headquarter in Wolfsburg, Germany. In his first years at the VW Group Research he developed advanced driver assistance systems to increase vehicular safety and comfort. Since 2008 he was responsible for early identification of novel technologies for tomorrow vehicles to support the Vehicular Research.
In August 2009 he moved to China to become the head of the VW Group Research satellite in Shanghai, called Volkswagen Research Lab China (VRC). The VRC is responsible on one hand for the evaluation of upcoming technologies in China for the world wide automotive business and on the other hand for investigations of future technologies for the Chinese automotive market.