美国经济战略研究所所长克莱德·普雷斯托维茨(Clyde Prestowitz)
克莱德·普雷斯托维茨是美国经济战略研究所(Economic Strategy Institute)的创始人。在他的带领下,美国经济战略研究所在政治决策方面发挥了至关重要的作用。在对有关国际贸易、经济竞争以及全球化效应等领域的争论方面,美国经济战略研究所有着极大的影响力和最终发言权。在“北美自由贸易协议”(NAFTA)的起草、制定等过程中,克莱德·普雷斯托维茨发挥了关键的作用,从而有效的确定了乌拉圭圆桌谈判的最终内容以及为美国对日本、中国以及韩国贸易政策提供知识准则。
在创立美国经济战略研究所之前,克莱德·普雷斯托维茨担任美国里根总统时期的商务部部长的顾问。在此期间,他曾参与并主导了很多美国与日本、中国、拉美以及欧洲的贸易及投资谈判。在加盟商务部之前,克莱德·普雷斯托维茨曾是一名商人,在美国、欧洲、日本以及亚洲和拉美地区都曾有过贸易业务。克莱德·普雷斯托维茨还曾出任过太平洋贸易投资委员会(Committee on Trade and Investment)副主席,英特尔政策顾问委员会(Intel Policy Advisory Board)以及美国进出口银行顾问委员会(Export-Import Bank Advisory Board)成员。
克莱德·普雷斯托维茨会定期为各大媒体撰写专栏稿件。如《纽约时报》、《华盛顿邮报》、《财富》以及《外交》(Foreign Affairs)。克莱德·普雷斯托维茨曾撰写了讲述美日贸易关系的畅销书《颠倒乾坤》(Trading Places)。他还与其他知名作家合著了关于国际贸易以及商业战略的书籍《增长奇迹后的亚洲》(Asia After the Miracle)、《权力经济学》(Powernomics)、《Bit by Bit》、《北美贸易秩序》、《流氓国家》(Rogue Nation)。他最新出版的新书名为《30亿新资本家:财富与势力向东方大转移》(Three Billion New Capitalists: The Great Shift of Wealth and Power to the East) ,讲述的是与经济实力不断提升的亚洲地区进行贸易、即将重现实现平衡的全球经济秩序以及其对美国的影响等。
克莱德·普雷斯托维茨曾就读于斯瓦特莫尔学院(Swarthmore College) ,获得学士学位,在夏威夷东西方中心(the East-West Center in Hawaii)获得东西方政治经济学硕士。不仅如此,克莱德·普雷斯托维茨还在沃顿商学院(Wharton Graduate School of Business)进修MBA。此外,克莱德·普雷斯托维茨还曾在日本庆应大学(Keio University)就读。他精通日语、荷兰语、德语以及法语。
Clyde Prestowitz is founder and President of the Economic Strategy Institute. His leadership has propelled ESI into an important role in the public policy process, influencing and often defining the terms of the debate in the areas of international trade policy, economic competitiveness, and the effects of globalization. Mr. Prestowitz has played key roles in achieving congressional passage of NAFTA and in shaping the final content of the Uruguay Round, as well as providing the intellectual basis for current U.S. trade policies toward Japan, China, and Korea.
Prior to founding ESI, Mr. Prestowitz served as counselor to the Secretary of Commerce in the Reagan Administration. There, he led many U.S. trade and investment negotiations with Japan, China, Latin America, and Europe. Before joining the Commerce Department, he was a senior businessman in the United States, Europe, Japan, and throughout Asia and Latin America. He has served as vice chairman of the President's Committee on Trade and Investment in the Pacific and sits on the Intel Policy Advisory Board and the U.S. Export-Import Bank Advisory Board.
Clyde Prestowitz regularly writes for leading publications, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, Fortune, and Foreign Affairs. He is the author of the best-selling book on U.S.-Japan relations, Trading Places, and co-author and editor of several other books on international trade and business strategy including Asia After the Miracle; Powernomics; Bit by Bit; The New North American Trade Order; and Rogue Nation. His latest book, Three Billion New Capitalists: The Great Shift of Wealth and Power to the East, deals with the economic rise of Asia and the upcoming rebalancing of the world economic order, and its impact on the United States.
Mr. Prestowitz has a B.A. with honors from Swarthmore College; an M.A. in East-West Policies and Economics from the East-West Center of the University of Hawaii; and an M.B.A. from the Wharton Graduate School of Business. He also studied at Keio University in Tokyo. He is fluent in Japanese, Dutch, German, and French.