搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

黄向东 广汽集团副总经理

[我来说两句] [字号:  ]
来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  黄向东,1979年生人,自动化工程博士。广州汽车集团股份有限公司副总经理, 广汽独立研发中心系统建设负责人。

  Xiangdong Huang

  Dr. Xiangdong Huang: PhD in Automotive Engineering, Vice general manager of President of GAC Engineering, the director of system construction for GAC independent R&D, the Organizer and the implementer of R&D for GAC own-brand passenger vehicle.




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