搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗


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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  嘉宾姓名:Park, Younsu



  Younsu Park is Director of Transportation in Romax Technology Ltd. He is a company board member. Younsu Park is an expert that has 20 year experience in transmission engineering. Before joined Romax, he was in charge of transmission design and development in Hyundai Motor Company in South Korea. In his early years in Romax, he led an engineering group and helped worldwide OEMs and tie 1 suppliers developed a range of successful transmission products. In more recent years, he has led a number of successful hybrid & EV projects for world’s most famous automotive manufacturers from US, Japan, Europe and China. Currently, he is focused on the development energy management technology for HEV & EV, as well as helping OEMs to implement such advanced technology in innovative drivelines projects.

  On behalf of Romax Technology, he went to Beckingham Palace in London and received Queen’s Award 2004 from Her Majesty The Queen Elisabeth II.

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