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Specific explanation about fuel consumption

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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  According to SOHU AUTO, August 5, 2009, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology published an explanation of the light vehicle fuel consumption labeling regulations.

  There are five aspects of the main content of this regulation:

  1. Objects and scope

  Within the People’s Republic of China, automakers that have already got production licenses and have been listed on the public announcement of automakers and auto productions as well as imported vehicles dealers with import auto products licenses are all the objects of this regulation. The types of vehicles included are in accordance with that ruled in national standard GB 22757-2008 light vehicle fuel consumption identification, that means M1, M2 and N2 types of vehicles can be fueled with gasoline or diesel fuel with a maximum total mass of not more than 3,500kg.

  2. Fuel consumption test

  Fuel consumptions identified must be submitted to and then verified by the testing organizations designated by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (quality inspection departments can designate testing organizations for imported car dealers) according to the GB / T 19233-2008 way to test the light vehicle fuel consumption.

  3. Fuel consumption identifications

   Fuel consumption identifications contain labels, posters and show cards and other forms, among which label is the most important. National standard GB 22757-2008 light vehicle fuel consumption identification has made clear requirements about the content, format, way of pasting and conservation. Automakers and imported make and paste according to the requirements in light vehicle fuel consumption identification and ensure cars have pasted with vehicle fuel consumption identification when sold. In other occasions except on the car itself, labels enlarged or shrunk in accordance with the same proportion can be used.

  4. Identification Sample as a record

  Automakers and imported car dealers should submit the samples of fuel consumption identification of different models to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (Equipment Industry Division) to serve as records. The recording number of domestic cars are Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or vehicle model identification numbers notified with suffixes while imported cars adopt consistent certificate number as the recording number.

  5. Supervision and Regulatory

  The management on vehicle fuel consumption identification will be carried out by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, head of departments that are responsible for automobile industry. It will regularly publish the information concerned with fuel consumptions of both domestic cars and imported cars, leading consumers to buy cars with low fuel consumptions. Automakers or imported car dealers who fail to submit the identifications or use false data or do not label as required will be punished according to relevant regulations and laws.

  See original Chinese report Please click: http://auto.sohu.com/20091231/n269321424.shtml

  (Translator: Yalong/Jessie)





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