2009中国汽车工程学会年会将于2009年10月20-22日在北京铁道大厦举办。年会主要活动包括:先进汽车节能减排技术研讨会、专题分会场交流会、年美籍汽车专家来华讲学活动、技术参观等。以下是参会嘉宾 柯文斯 简介:
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联合国工业发展组织驻华首席代表 柯文斯 |
1998 - pres.: United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO):
10/09 – pres: UNIDO Representative and Head, Regional Office, Beijing, China
3/06-10/09: Senior Coordinator for UNIDO’s programmes with the Global Environmental Facilities (GEF).
1998 – 2006: Senior Industrial Development Officer, in the Cleaner Production and Environmental Management Branch. Responsible for cleaner production programmes and projects in Asia. Developed new activities designed to extend and enhance UNIDO’s cleaner production capabilities.
1991 - 1998: Dames & Moore International, Milan, Italy: (international environmental consulting company). As the Chief Operating Officer, managed all of the company’s operations in Italy: two offices, thirty staff. Also had overall responsibility for all projects in Italy relating to environmental auditing, environmental certification and environmental strategic management.
1989 - 1991: Independent Environmental Consultant, New York and Milan
1986 - 1989: Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), New York: (a national environmental NGO). Developed NRDC’s position on pollution prevention; monitored federal, state and private-sector activities on pollution prevention. Monitored federal laws and regulations covering hazardous waste.
1982 - 1985: Environment Directorate, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
1980 – 1981: (OECD), Paris: Responsible for projects on the control of chemicals of environmental concern (polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs); chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)).
1981 - 1982: Joint Research Centre of the European Union, Ispra (Italy): Responsible for reorganising part of a data bank concerning chemical production processes, for chemicals of environmental concern.
1979 – 1980: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C. As part of the University degree course, worked in a group preparing engineering analyses of the non-aerosol uses of CFCs and assessing the regulatory options for controlling them.
1977 – 1980: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA: Engineer Degree in Environmental Engineering (1980); MSc in Chemical Engineering (1979)
1973 – 1977: Edinburgh University, Scotland: BSc in Chemical Engineering