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GAF to boost globalization of China Auto

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  After Beijing Auto Show and the Shanghai Auto Show classified as the world’s A + and A-level auto show, CCPIT Automotive Industry Committee began to consider platform for China automotive industry to going out to the international stage.

  Under the theme “Shaping the future of an industry in transition”, the inaugural meeting of the Global Automotive Forum initiated by the China Committee for Automotive Exhibitions, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Automotive Industry Committee and Chengdu Municipal Government will be held in Chengdu, China on September 16-17, 2010. Global CEO, leading economists from the world trade organization, WTO, the international investment banking institutions, and multinational car companies are to participate in the forum to discuss the industrial issues.

  Communication platform for Chinese and foreign auto industry

  After the explosive growth of China auto market in 2009, in 2010 China auto market continues to expand, which leads global auto manufacturers have placed great hope here.

  In this context, the status of China auto shows is growing. Taking Beijing Auto Show sponsored by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Automotive Industry Committee for an example, no matter the exhibition area, or the number of participating media, have reached the level of the first-class international auto show.

  Though there is no doubt about the rise of China auto market, the present situation and difficulties China auto industry is confronted with need to be weighed carefully.

  “No one can underestimate the Tokyo Motor Show though it has gone downhill, since Japan has a strong automobile industry. Today, the China auto show is becoming one of the world’s most important only because it is the largest market instead of the strong industrial power. ” Secretariat of organizing Committee of the Global Automotive Forum said.

  After Beijing Auto Show and the Shanghai Auto Show classified as the world’s A + and A-level auto shows by the world’ auto giants, CCPIT Automotive Industry Committee has a clear understanding of the shortcomings of China auto industry. Therefore, they hope to build a new platform to serve the world auto industry and for regular communication of enterprises and multinational corporations.

  “As an industry body, we have the duty to promote the development of the international automobile trade, and build a communication platform for regular communication of enterprises and multinational corporations as well as promote Chinese cars to go out to the international stage.” The official said.

  It is reported that under the theme of” Shaping the future of an industry in transition”, the global automotive industry forum will discuss many hot topics, including the major challenges and opportunities automotive industry facing in the post-crisis era, the rising of China and other emerging countries, and the resulting shift of the world auto industry focus.

  According to reports, several heavyweights in the macroeconomic area guests will participate in the forums, including WTO Deputy Director-General, Rufus H. Yerxa, United States chief trade negotiator, Charlene Barshefsky when China joined the WTO, 2004 Nobel Laureate in Economics, Fed consultants Plymouth, Professor Scott and U.S. Economic Strategy Institute president Clyde Prestowitz. the organizers hope that the WTO executives and economists may explain the trends of the future of the automotive industry in the global macroeconomic backdrop to help the development of auto industry.

  Taking the purpose into account, the forum also set up multi-dimensional perspective. Executives of Bank of America, UBS and other companies, American automobile columnist, Pulitzer Prize winner Paul Ingrassia and the famous lawyer Mr. Stratford also are invited to attend; Mitsubishi president Osamu Masuko, Toyota vice president, GM vice president as well as SAIC vice chairman Hu Maoyuan will all arrive at the scene.

  In fact, although China has successfully hosted many types of car forums, so far none have been so influential previously.

  High-profile, high-level Chinese and foreign media coverage is the essential factor for the success of the Forum. NHK, Reuters, Bloomberg, Japan’s Kyodo News, Japanese Economic News, The New York Times, the Daily Telegraph, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal and many other world-renowned media has officially confirmed that they will send out reporters, which ensures that the information of the Forum can be disseminated wide in the world.

  Docking capital strength

  Frequent international auto industry restructuring as well as mergers and acquisitions makes China auto industry feel so close to the driving force of capital for the first time.

  The global automotive forum for the first time will invite the investment bank as the main participants, and set up a special panel discussion. on the theme how can the industry deal with the credit problems, the investment banks will provide a series of feasible plans about the financial pressure, expansion demand and R & D investment the automotive industry facing for reference.

  The forum consists of three parts, will be carried out in the form of round-table discussion, debate and brainstorming launch of the economist, the automotive industry peers and relevant financial institutions. The topics to be discussed are the “smart city, smart car” “Imagine a Green Future,” “the future of small cars”, "M & A alliances,” “taking the Chinese brands abroad,” and so on.

  The development of Automotive Industry has a great relevance of the national economy. All the M & A in the auto industry are related to investment banks. Therefore, the problems of the automotive industry should be considered at a higher and wider perspective. Meanwhile, during the development of the global automotive industry, the relationships between industrial chain and suppliers, brands and other issues are also topics of this forum.

  As the world’s largest emerging auto market, the development of China auto industry will have a major impact to the pattern of the global auto industry. However, if the Chinese automobile enterprises want to truly become integrated into the international market, it is necessary to understand the international rules.

  The Opportunity for Chengdu

  According to the preliminary planning, the Global Forum will be held annually. Mr. Claude, the previous Executive Chairman of World Economic Forum, will serve as a strategic partner of the Forum for co-planning and organization of the Forum, to ensure global automotive forum truly win international influence.

  About site selection issues, significantly different from previous forums, this time, World-level forums are moving from Beijing/Shanghai and east coastal regions to middle-west China.

  The reporter has learned from the forum’s organizing committee, taking into account the concerns during the Beijing auto show are so many, it may dilute the impact of the Forum. Out of strategic considerations, the Forum will be moved to the west.

  Chengdu Forum Expo Bureau is closely cooperated with China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Automotive Industry Committee on the forum. Secretary Chen Lin explained necessity Chengdu has been chosen from another angle. He said that as early as 2003, the Chengdu Municipal Government was brewing to create “a world exhibition”. As China’s third largest car market, Chengdu is the most important city in western China in terms of car sales. Within the industry, there has been a famous saying “who gets Chengdu can win the whole Southwest China market.” Consider the gains-to-scale of the automobile industry, five years ago, Chengdu Municipal Government resolutely decided to set auto manufacturing a pillar industry.

  Previously, Chengdu investment promotion committee has made and issued 2009 canvass business orders within automotive industry to focus on extending and improving the cars, trucks, buses based on a certain base and aimed to create hundreds of billions of the pillar industry, and form company clusters.

  "The Forum is to be held in Chengdu is because it is a hub in southwest China. Both Chengdu auto industry and Motor Show are worth noting. To hold the forum in Chengdu will have positive significance in promoting local economic development, and helping post-disaster reconstruction Chengdu as well as building worldwide modern garden city.” The organizing committee resource finally concluded.

  (Translator: Yalong/Jessie)




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