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The highlights of Guangzhou Auto Show

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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  Guangzhou Auto Toyota: hybrid vehicle model Camry

In addition Dongfeng Nissan announced their “Green City Program”, another local auto company Guangzhou Auto Toyota also released to introduce hybrid vehicle model Camry next year.

Feng Xingya, the executive vice president of Guangzhou Auto Toyota said in an interview to introduce gasoline and electricity hybrid vehicle model Camry next year. And at present some relevant preparation was being done.

Feng Xingya commented that the promotion of Prius in China was successful because when referring to hybrid vehicle, many people would think of Toyota. Guangzhou Auto Toyota will not only replace the powertrain of Camry, but also upgrade its exterior appearance, interior decoration and configuration.

Concerning the sales performance of Camry, Feng Xingya said: “The sales volume of this model exceeds 5,000 each month in the U.S. market. We hope that it will have relatively good performance after entering Chinese market.” As the reporter has learned, inside the corporation, the target is set a monthly sales volume of 1,000 units. What’s more, its location will be higher than the current G-BOOK version.

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