搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗

The highlights of Guangzhou Auto Show

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来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  Volkswagen: improve competition in southern China

On the eve of Guangzhou Auto Show, VGC, Shanghai Volkswagen and FAW-Volkswagen officially announced the launch of “Southern strategy”. It is reported that Volkswagen Group realize a sales volume of more than 500,000 units in the southern auto market of China and improve the market share in southern market up to its average level in the whole country from the 12% in 2008 through the promotion of the sales and marketing, customer and service, product and technology as well as contribution of different areas.

In accordance with the planning of Volkswagen Group, in order to promote the sales to 500,000 units, it will expanse the investment in the South to fundamentally change the disadvantage by increasing hundreds of distributors and refurbishing the hall facilities. Besides, the first introduction of a variety of models in the future will be put in the south. Although as a general target strategy, the publication of the Southern strategy this time was relatively not detailed to each stage and specific items, it still left wide space for imagination to the reporters present.(Translator: Yalong/ Jessie)

  See original Chinese report Please click


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