作者:Martin Hayes(何斯庭) 英国APR公关咨询公司执行主席
【何斯庭先生在汽车公关传播领域拥有40多年的经历。他最初曾是卡车与巴士行业记者,其后他曾在利兰集团(Leyland),米兰德国际银行(Midland)和达夫卡车公司(DAF)担任公关部总监。随后的7年时间,他从事独立公关咨询工作。2000年他创立了Automotive PR 公关咨询公司。他现在还担任英国汽车制造商与经销商协会公关委员会和英国交通安全委员会理事。最近几年,APR在中国市场开发新的客户,因此对中国汽车产业他也有相当丰富的经验。】
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Martin Hayes(何斯庭)英国APR公关咨询公司执行主席 |
Why internationalisation is worth more than just sales for China's auto industry
Martin Hayes
Could China's aspirations to be a genuinely global player in the automotive market be being reconsidered? I pose this question following an illuminating discussion I had recently with a senior VP of a major component maker. His company, a very successful enterprise with plants across China, has recently seen its non-Chinese sales, already only a minor part of total sales, decline sharply due to the Western recession.
At the same time his company's sales to Chinese-based clients, ironically many of them the Western-linked JVs, have become easier and more profitable thanks to the booming local demand for anything with wheels. Coupled with the low margins on export business, the complexities of logistics and communications with remote markets and the ever rising value of the Chinese currency, his is probably not the only business which is reviewing its export strategy.
Is it worth the effort, his colleagues are asking, given that Western markets seem to face a protracted period of at best flat demand and the Chinese market shows no signs of running out of steam, even though absolute growth figures will inevitably slow somewhat.
I believe that this sort of thinking may be becoming quite widespread in the Chinese auto industry and the Siren calls for the business to turn inwards again and seek to fulfil only local demand must be tempting for many.
It would, in my opinion, be a serious mistake if Chinese auto makers with genuine aspirations to become world class were to follow this road. The key driver to design, production and quality excellence is real, intense competition. In the auto industry that means not only selling in China but in the key 'sophisticated' markets of North America, Europe and Japan. As many Chinese companies have acknowledged – but none has yet achieved – winning sales success in those three 'tough' markets is the benchmark against which they should be judged.
So there is a real value to international sales which lies beyond the financial return of the sales themselves. It comes in term of products which are truly popular and which earn the respect and ongoing loyalty of customers. This is unlikely - in the long term at least - to be due to low pricing, though that may help initially. It will come from the power of the product itself.
There is another powerful inducement to win export business. My contact's company is looking at a stock exchange placing in the future and you can be certain that international (and Chinese) investors will be much more interested in putting their money into a company which has a proven track record in selling internationally. It gives it credibility and the potential for future growth in an industry where – eventually – sales in China may stabilise while sales in Western world may once again grow.
Winning international sales is thus a really worthwhile goal for Chinese vehicle makers and component suppliers alike. To achieve success will depend on many factors but one common one is brand awareness and, eventually, brand loyalty.
The Chinese Government's new push to get the JV makers to create local brands for China will bring this into even sharper focus but the real challenge is for Chinese indigenous brands to sell into Western markets. It may be easy, as Honda has convincingly demonstrated, to sell Chinese-made cars into Western markets under the umbrella of a globally recognised brand. It will be much more difficult to sell Made in China products to a sceptical market with an unknown, and possibly unpronouceable brand name.