金钥匙组织是五星级酒店礼宾人员优质服务的最高奖励评定,也是礼宾人员的最高荣誉。近年来,随着亲子旅游的普及, Kiddy China与中国金钥匙组织共同推广儿童出行安全意识,提出为全国五星级酒店提供免费租赁儿童安全座椅服务,并发放《宝贝安全旅行计划》宣传册。增加国外旅客对Kiddy品牌与产品的认识。
4月22日,中国金钥匙组织与Kiddy China在上海大酒店,共同召开启动发布会。Kiddy中国区总经理Ernest在现场向酒店代表捐赠儿童安全座椅。中国金钥匙组织表示:"感谢kiddy,给我们带来了新的理念。关爱儿童安全出行,不仅是每一个父母的责任,更是社会各界共同的责任。让我们酒店服务提升了一个等级, 真正细致和贴心到每个年龄客户的需求。" 启动仪式后,Kiddy将携金钥匙组织陆续在全国各大城市五星级酒店发起儿童汽车座椅租借服务,传递关爱儿童安全出行理念。
U.I.C.H Les Clefs d'Or is the highest award and honor given to concierges working in five star hotels. As family tourism has becoming widespread recent years, in order to popularize public consciousness of child safety tourism as well as recognition of Kiddy’s brand and products, Kiddy China and U.I.C.H Les Clefs d'Or join hands to send out "Child Travel Safety Tips" and offer free lease service of child car seat in five star hotels all over China.
The launching ceremony was held by U.I.C.H Les Clefs d'Or –CCChina and Kiddy-China in Grand Central Hotel-Shanghai on 22nd, Apr, and Kiddy donated first Kiddy child car seat to hotel. U.I.C.H Les Clefs d'Or –CCChina is grateful and willing to spread the new concept from Kiddy to public. Both of the two parties reached an agreement to successively provide free lease service of Kiddy child car seat in five star hotels in big cities nationwide.
Kiddy China与金钥匙组织共同推动的"宝贝安全旅行计划",为Kiddy在旅游、酒店行业的宣传推广,铺开了道路;建立了Kiddy良好的社会公益形象。并让众多来访中国的国外客人,认识和了解Kiddy的品牌及理念,强调Kiddy国际知名品牌的美誉度。跨行业合作的全新尝试,获得多方共赢:Kiddy品牌得到宣传和推广;金钥匙会员酒店拓宽了服务范畴;来中国旅行的小客人得到更安全的出行保护;公众对儿童出行安全投入更多关注。
Meaning and Implications:
"Child Travel Safety Tips" released by Kiddy-China and U.I.C.H Les Clefs d'Or, worked its way up for Kiddy’s publicity and promotion in tourism and hotel service area, which is helpful for Kiddy to set up a favorable public service image and more awareness of Kiddy’s concept and reputation for foreigner. Kiddy’s brand-new attempt of inter-industry cooperation brings all-win, which will help increasing recognition of Kiddy brand and more public focus on child travel safety. And U.I.C.H Les Clefs d'Or can broaden service of hotels with this chance.
金钥匙组织 背景:
国际旅馆金钥匙协会(Union Internationale des Concierge d'Hôtels Les Clefs d'Or,简称为U.I.C.H Les Clefs d'Or)为高级酒店礼宾人员的协会,其颁发的金钥匙徽章为礼宾服务人员的最高荣誉。起源于法国巴黎,自1929年至今,是全球唯一拥有80多年历史的网络化、个性化、专业化、国际化的品牌服务组织。自1995年引入中国,在中国已并覆盖到208个城市,1300多家高星级酒店和高档物业,2300多名金钥匙会员。目前该组织涵盖:比利时、德国、中国、日本等在内的39个国家。
Background of U.I.C.H Les Clefs d'Or:
U.I.C.H Les Clefs d'Or,short for Union Internationale des Concierge d'Hôtels Les Clefs d'Or, is a society of concierges working in luxury hotels, the golden key badge is the highest honor given to concierges. It was derived from Paris since 1929, and it is the unique international brand service organization which is internet-linked, individual, professional, cosmopolitan and has been existing for over 80 years. It was introduced into China in 1995, and so far has more than 2300 members from over 1300 luxury hotels in 208 cities China. It’s now covers 39 countries including: Belgium, Germany, China, Japan, etc.