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汽车频道 > 汽车评论 > 汽车评论 > 车界人文


来源:搜狐汽车 作者:综合报道

  Both values and cultural background of the designer are very important, so does a designer use his own self-cultivation and cultural connotations to interpret the soul of product?

  Sure. Every designer filters dreams and expectations of the consumer through their vision, intuition, creativity and culture. The strength of a company like Pininfarina is to have a design vision based on cultural values typical of Italian creativity, as well as on the company’s cultural values and the international perspective that comes from the multiculturalism of our design team.

  The history of automobile development in China is relatively short, so what kind of forward thinking do we need, to follow the pace of the world's design trends?

  Automotive design continuously develops great fundamental themes coming from the past history of the car in the Western world. The potential of a country like China stands in the ability to capitalize on these established worldwide values and make a step forward by introducing new values with the freedom of those who can interpret without the burden of history.

  In Chinese auto market, previously there was the battle of the hatchback and sedan, then the trend turned into long wheelbase, so what would be the next trend in the future?

  Certainly crossover and sedan models, but not intended as specialized vehicles, but as versatile and attractive cars for urban use.

  What do you think about the cooperation of Pininfarina and Chinese auto companies?

  Business with Chinese manufacturers, which already generates a significant part of Pininfarina’s revenues, will grow even more in the years to come with the increase in its activities in the sectors of design (styling and engineering) and sustainable mobility. Our decision to open offices in Shanghai is part of the same vision. Fully operational, it will employ highly professional staff so as to meet design and car engineering needs and to best exploit trends in the market. China, in fact, is asking more and more services of high technical content and a local presence. As you might know, Pininfarina can boast a consolidated, long-term presence in China in the form of successful partnerships with clients such as BAIC, Brilliance, Chery, FAW and JAC.

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